Mark’s Blog (Marathon Training part 1)

The long run is such a crucial part of a distance runners training. It plays such a large part in the success or failure of the race. When training for the marathon, there are two types of long runs. First of all, the long steady run. In this run you simply go out for a steady, easy run and stay out for a long time (between 90 mins and 2 hours plus). The pace isn’t fast and time on your feet is the most important thing, not how fast you are running.

The second type of long run is the fast finish run. You start at your normal run pace but you try to average your goal marathon pace for the last 30 to 60 minutes of the run. This trains the body to work more efficiently at marathon pace and mentally you undergo the extreme fatigue that marathon runners face during the final few miles of the race.

It is also a good idea when on your long runs to practice taking on gels and fluids. Try to find the correct gel and drink that suits you and at what point in the marathon to take them. Some of the most popular gels on the market are Powerbar Gel and High Five Iso gel. Find which one suits you and stick with that as changing on the day could be detrimental.

Recovery is also vital to your marathon training. It is key to hydrate within the first 10-15 minutes after stopping. Try to drink plenty of electrolytes such as Powerbar Isotonic and also try to get in some protein to speed up the recovery. It also helps to stretch after your long or if possible foam roll and concentrate on the major muscle groups (quads, hamstrings, calves, and hips) as well as anything that is nagging or felt sore on the run.

Feel free to contact us on 021-4508830 if you have any questions about training or need advice or nutrition for the marathon.